Raise Robotics

How We Started

Raise Robotics

Our founding team comes from unique backgrounds in construction and robotics. This is our story.

January 2021 – First Outreach

This Is Conley

Conley was working as a project manager during the pandemic and was just getting ready to start his own construction drone surveying business when he met Gary the way most couples met during COVID; on the internet.

Reach out to Conley as Gary did, through LinkedIn


Spring 2021 – First Ideas

And This Is Gary

At the time, Gary was working as a Software Engineer in the AV space and was curious about reapplying his expertise to the construction industry. 

He knew the recent advancements in CV, AI, and ML could have a massive impact on the construction industry. He began reaching out to industry professionals to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced on-site.


Summer 2021 – Case Studies &

Customer Pitches

Beginning in the Summer of 2021, we moved from initial ideation to robotic simulation of a handful of construction tasks: wind turbine construction, modular housing installation, prefab girder installations, and facade installations. 

Gary coded the robotic simulations, and I set up meetings with my past customers to get their feedback and gain a better understanding of the problems faced on their projects. 

After months of customer meetings, we finally started finding on-site tasks that were consistently requested and decided to begin applying to accelerator programs. 

Winter 2021

Admittance To
Berkeley Skydeck

 In October 2021, we were admitted to the Berkeley Skydeck accelerator program and decided to pursue the venture full-time. 

After nearly a year of weekly video calls, Gary and I met in person for the first time after incorporating on October 15th, 2021.  

Spring 2022

First Proof
Of Concept

After only 3 months of full-time work, we deployed our robot on a real project in Sacramento, CA, and completed our first successful on-site facade bracket installation. 

The robot base was a hodgepodge of 4×4 wood, mismatched 3-d printed parts, and a couple of rolls of duct tape. It gave a very steampunk vibe when juxtaposed with the two new sleek robot arms mounted on top. 

We redeployed two more times over the next three months, adding additional functionality with each visit to the site.

Summer 2022


Leveraging the lessons learned from our three on-site tests, we built out our first truly mobile prototype and began preparing for upcoming pilot projects. 

Winter 2022


In less than two years we went from an idea to a funded start-up. 

With the additional capital, we’re building out our team and adding robots to better service our customers.

Spring 2023

First Commercial

In February, we deployed the robot on our first performance project alongside our partner, JR Butler. The robot completed the layout, installation, and inspection in less than 20 minutes per bracket. All of the brackets installed are now permanent fixtures in the Dallas skyline.

We are now taking on larger pilot project scopes before starting monthly leases in Q1 2024.

Robot Updates
We Are Constantly Improving

We update and bring new features to our robot constantly allowing you to reapply the robot to a variety of applications. 

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Meet The Robot

Raise Robotics equips contractors with an extra set of hands. We help our customers build better by ensuring high-quality construction and creating safer job sites. With our machines, it’s easy, safe, and fast to get great results.

The Robot

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People That Trust Our Robot

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